Celebrity Shoots

Praveen Bhat Photography with Gautam Gulati

The best part of shooting with Gautam was his array of expressions that kept the roller coaster ride of shutterbug and locations on round the clock.

Gautamgulati praveenbhat.net

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As a fashion photographer I felt Gautam was not just friendly with the camera but was more refined in terms of body language for cover shoot and that made my job easier.



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Whether its about playing with rugged space or his chiseled body, the big boss fame actor was a treat for my lens.

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The day long shoot was quite an experience for me. His minute contributions and detailing helped me to turn the shoot a was cover for the Glam and Glaze magazine.

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See what industry has to say about my this cover shoot.

Miss Malini

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And at the end, from the man himself, check out what Gautam has to say about the shoot on twitter: